Glaucoma Specialist

Glaucoma Specialist
Glaucoma affects millions of Americans, causing permanent vision loss and even total blindness. The doctors at San Diego Vision Care Optometry provides comprehensive glaucoma screenings and care to help patients in and around San Diego, CA, understand their risk factors for the disease and receive safe, effective treatment when glaucoma is diagnosed.
Glaucoma Q & A
Glaucoma is a disease that occurs when the pressure inside the eye, called the intraocular pressure, builds up, eventually pressing against blood vessels and the optic nerve and causing irreversible loss of sight. Pressure increases because the eye is unable to drain properly, enabling fluid to collect and press against the structures of the eye. More than 3 million American adults have glaucoma, and many people have the condition and don’t even know it.
Until loss of vision occurs, glaucoma typically causes no symptoms at all, earning it the nickname of “the silent thief of sight.” As the disease continues and is left untreated, patients may notice a gradual deterioration in peripheral or “side” vision, which eventually encroaches inward causing a permanent narrowing of the visual field, and finally, blindness. Because it causes no symptoms early on, having regular eye exams is the best way to catch the disease before it causes permanent vision loss.
Our doctors use a special, painless test to measure the pressure inside your eye, and during your dilated exam, they’ll also look for changes inside your eye that are characteristic of damage associated with the early stages of the disease.
Glaucoma can’t be cured, but there are treatments that can help slow or halt the progression of the disease to preserve vision. Treatments may include pills or eye drops, or both, to reduce pressure and improve drainage, or laser or traditional surgery to help the eye drain the way it should so pressure doesn’t build up.
Anyone can develop glaucoma, but people over age 60, those with heart disease, diabetes or thyroid conditions, and people with a family history of glaucoma are especially at risk.
For further reading on Glaucoma please CLICK HERE

Major Insurance Providers Accepted
Below is a short list of just some of the plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed on our site.

"I really appreciated that he did not try to up sell me, the overall level of professionalism and the fact that he actually seemed genuinely concerned with my eye care."

"I've been to several ophthalmology places before, but I can honestly say this is the best one with the best service I've encountered."

"I was referred here by a good friend and I'm so happy I went!"

"I'm new to San Diego and I'm glad I found a good optometrist just a couple blocks from home."